Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love 11 - cousins

I just love this picture. I love that baby Julius fits so snuggled right on top of Josiah. I love that they are both sleeping peacefully. I also love knowing that one day JP will be as big and as healthy as my little man. He is still in such a fragile state and I pray without ceasing that this little guy will thrive and grow. He loves to suck on his fingers, which are super long by the way. He has his dad's nose and his moms mouth. His mouth is simply too cute, I just want to kiss him. It makes me nervous to see how tiny he is. you can feel all of his bones, including his skull. But he is a strong kid, and he has a wonderful mom and dad. Tabitha is doing all that she can to help him gain weight. She is going to make a super mom. PJ has been so loving and so careful with his son. You can tell that this little guy has his parents soooo in love.


Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

What a sweet picture. It makes your little man look so grown up!

Anonymous said...

omg i cant see where to fallow u at but i read this n began to cry. wut is wrong with me lol

TrulyBlessed said...

ummmmm yes... i started to cry too!!! i can't believe it... i am all grown up! =)

TrulyBlessed said...
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