Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love 8 Sisters are forever

Every once in a while I get in this mood... A mood that makes me feel vulnerable and sensitive. I feel like I have no genuine kindred spirit friend. Yes, yes, I have my husband. I'm talking about a different kind of kindred spirit. A friend that is consistently the same, I never have to question their motives or their loyalty. The only real kindred spirits that I have are my 3 sisters. The problem is that they live far away. It makes me really sad. I love that we all blog and I can read what is going on in their lives. I love that my younger sister who is pregnant comes to me and asks me for advice on her pregnancy. I love my older sister for simply being real and funny. My youngest sister for being a blond trapped in a Koreans body :)Even my SIL Kim who is absoluetly hilarious and way too smart.

I think the reason I miss them so much is because I know that I can always depend on them. They won't stab me in the back or purposely hurt me. They always forgive and always love. They're not fake with me, they're always honest and I love that about them.

There are some people that are takers and some that are givers. You know what I'm talking about. Some people are always the ones to hand out compliments or they are always looking for ways to encourage you or simply make you smile. Then you have those that simply focus on themselves and you are just an added accessory to their life.

It's not that way with my sisters, if I call they are always happy to hear my voice. When we see each other, we already know that we'll be cracking up and having fun. Yes, sometimes we get upset or aggravated with each other, but it's okay because we always KNOW where we stand with each other. And that is a beautiful thing.

I guess that's what family is for right?


Sherry said...

Okay. You and Tab are just making me boo hoo today. I love you so much! Your post made me want to run straight to T or C. Seriously. I feel the same way with you guys too. When are we going to do a girls only get away with the sisters (I am including Kim)? We need to start planning. =]

Katrina said...

I am sorry you feel bad right now. I am so glad that you have the close relationship with your sisters like you do.

TrulyBlessed said...

i agree... let's all go to Vegas! hahaha... that will be the day... I love you all and I am glad that I have you all with me. Kim is a great addition to our family and I am so happy Ondray married her! =) Plus yes, she is WAY too smart. Deborah is the blonde stuck in a Korean's body... I always did know something was wrong with her, I just couldn't figure it out! Thanks sis for making everything so clear!