I had to make this two posts because I have two separate things to write about. The first part of my love post has to do with my adventure here in Washington.Driving every day back and forth between Olympia and Spanaway. My mom trying to feed me every Korean dish that exists within the 6 days that I was there. Josiah being dragged from place to place in his car seat, and being passed from mom to dad to deborah to PJ to the staff lady sitting at the desk! Taking hilarious photos with my sisters, and laughing until we were in tears. Watching my new and amazingly strong nephew being born into this world. Helping my sister with her BFing and teaching her all that I know. Seeing the sun shine, then rain fall, then snow all in the same week. Getting to know my kind spirited BIL and thinking that my little sister did pretty good for herself. Being pampered with a pedicure. Getting to see my youngest sister's apt. and relizing that she is growing up. I even got food poison from IHOP! Oh and to make my week even better I fit into my sisters size 2 cuordaroy pants!
I missed my dh and my dd so much, but I had such an amazing time. My parents got to spend a lot of time with Josiah and they are just in love with him! Even my sister Deborah, who always says she can't stand kids, loves and adores Josiah. But all of it is coming to a rapid end and I am sad.
BUT on the other hand, I have been missing Miguel and Abigail so much. Before I left I wrote a card for Abby and I traced my hand on the back of it. I told her that whenever she missed me she could place her hand on mine and I'd be holding her hand. Miguel told me that she slept with it under her pillow every night and she would carry it with her around the house. My husband siad he was trying to clean up so I wouldn't come home to a messy home. I love being with my family here and it was so fun, but it would have been better had my dh and dd been here with me and Josiah. I am excited to go home. Excited to see my dh and dd. Excited to see josiah's reaction when he see's his sister and dad. It will be wonderful to get back into the routine of things. Enjoy the beautiful weather and sleep in my own bed!
mmmmmmmm...such a great post Esther. I am happy you got to go. I love you.
i love you sis... your presence here has been so amazing and life changing you don't even know. i know i would have been ok if you didn't come, but you don't know how much more i have learned in this past week because of you. i am so happy that PJ has gotten to know you and Jojo and has had a good time. i miss you already and you just left. =( i hope everything works out with us and maybe moving to NM... pray for him, his test is march 12. i love you with all my heart and am SOOOOO blessed to have a God that loves me enough to bring you to me during this important time of my life. give kisses to abby and miguel for me. i love and miss you all!
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