The last couple of weeks have been hard. My little man has gotten in the habit of waking up every 2 - 3 hours and the only way he knows how to fall back asleep is by me nursing him. For the past 6 months this really hasn't bothered me because I'd nurse him and he'd just go back to sleep and I'd place him back in his crib. But being that he now has 4 teeth and he is a little older, he realizes when I go to place him down in his crib. Not only that but he doesn't really nurse because he's really not that hungry, so he pacifies on me and it is irritating and painful *more irritating. So I began to lay him in his crib and he will start crying, and then screaming and screaming some more. I'll try to tough it out but I can only stand it for so long! All that to say that I have not been sleeping well therefore I am more on edge with everyone else and I am less motivated to anything but lounge around or sit at the computer.
Not only is this not healthy for me but it isn't healthy for him either. He NEEDS to learn to put himself back to sleep. He needs good consistent sleep in order to grow and be healthy. So tonight and for the next couple of nights we are going to be doing the tough love thing.... sleeping on an air mattress in the living room and just letting him cry it out. I will feed him at 12 o'clock and then set my alarm for 5 hours later. *he use to sleep from 8:30 until 4:30, I'd feed him and then he'd wake up at 6:30* if he is asleep at that time I will let him sleep until he wakes and then I'll feed him. It is already breaking my heart and the though of letting my dear son cry it out. But daddy is gonna get up to check on him *they say to let the husband check on the baby because the baby knows that dad not have what he wants* I doubt that I will get much of any real sleep. but this is something I feel like we have to do. For his sake and for mine!
Awww...Esther. That poor baby. He does not look happy in that photo! I hope you can get back on a regular schedule. For both of your sakes.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. If you need me to take care of anything, let me know. Hope it goes well for you.
We did the same thing here, including sleeping on the air mattress. I even got ear plugs. I can say that we are a much happier family now, including Brooke! I will pray for you...let us know how it goes. I always kept in mind that I was teaching them a skill and that this was one of the first times that I was saying no...
oh sis I am so sorry... I am not looking forward to those days but I know they are coming up soon. I will keep you in my prayers. I love you... also, if you can't sleep just call me... I am sure I can't sleep either. lol
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