I never thought I would be having my third child so close to my second child. I have to say that I am excited, but so many thoughts have crossed my mind. Not just once but over and over again. I wouldn't say I am worrying, but I truly wonder "how is this gonna work"?
The first thought that crossed my mind after the results of the HPT showed up where, "is it positive"? "it's so faint, I don't know if that really counts." "okay, I need a second opinion."
My husband was out of town for the week and I was at my MIL's with the kids. I immediately took it out to her and when I showed her I asked "what do you see"? and then I began to cry. She didn't know what was going on and replied "I don't know, what is that? I don't even know what I'm looking at." I said "Do you see two lines? Are there really two"? She then realized it was a HPT and said "Are you pregnant"? I said "I don't know that's what I'm asking YOU." She started laughing and I kept telling her to shut up *not very nice to say right? She finally told me congratulations. I know she's happy but I also know that she thinks it's better to space them out like 3 to 4 years. But this was so unplanned! Let me be straight with you, I am very happy. I mean how could I NOT be? My children are such a blessing and I love my life with them. But can I do it? Having 2 in diapers, two car seats and one booster seat, will I have to tandem nurse or will Josiah be weaned by then? Well, what about sleeping arrangements? Do I buy another crib for this baby because Josiah will be too small to sleep in a toddler bed at 18 months old. Ah Man, I soooo need to get organized. The toys in this house, the clothes.... I could just see my house being taken over by baby clothes, diapers , trucks and polly pockets!
I know it will all work out. Right?
Weeeeeeelllll, I recorded a video of the kids and myself sitting in a chair and Abby was holding a sign that said "Dad3 *to the third power* and under it, it said Hole in One" I said "Hi honey, the FOUR of us miss you! Surprise! We hope you like our sign. Call us when you see this video" I sent it to his email and a few minutes later he called me. "That video was so cute, I liked how Josiah kept trying to grab the paper." I started getting a little nervous because he did not seem excited at all. I proceeded to ask him if he read the paper? and he said yeah, it says "Dad, Hole in One" I said read all of it, and before I could finish he said "Babe, are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS? You're pregnant!!!!" i started to laugh and said yes. He was so excited I could almost see his expression over the phone. And then he paused and said "how did that happen"? I told him surely I wouldn't have to explain the birds and the bees to him. We were both just in shock. It took so long to get pregnant with Josiah. Even with Abby we didn't get pregnant right away.
What is amazing to me is that this baby is totally a gift from God. *both of my children are but you know what I mean* We weren't trying but we weren't preventing either. I just never thought it would happen this quick. God really is full of surprises :)
So I am looking forward to this next pregnancy. I believe it may be my last. 3 kids are good enough for me! I'm already of thinking of baby names. I think this one is a girl, but we'll see. That's our other question, should we wait to find out the gender when the baby is born? I don't know. I really like the name Justus Michael. Justus is a Biblical name and Michael is the English name for Miguel which is my husbands name. For a girl.. Maybe Lydia... I'm not sure. But I have plenty of time to think about it :O}
So happy for you. Um, yeah. I've been doing the 3 - 5 year gap and it's not all that great! lol
Congratulations Esther!!! I am happy for you! Still sad for us, but happy for you nonetheless! So when in November are you due? Are you hoping for a girl or boy this time? How are you and the family doing besides this? I hope you're well! Still want to meet you sometime and visit your church! Love you! have a blessed day!
As you know my babes are 17 months apart and although there are challenging parts, I love the spacing! They are such good friends and two in diapers and car seats isn't that bad. You are such an amazing mommy that it will become second nature within days. Let me know if you need any support other than prayers!
Oh Esther, I'm so happy for you! What a sweet surprise. I'll be praying for you as you prepare for this new little one!
And to answer your question about whether you can do it:
Yes, you CAN do it!!! And it will be a joy and a privilege! I know it probably seems intimidating now but I've been thinking about this lately myself, wondering if we could handle a third if we were so blessed and God has made it clear to me that motherhood is one of those things that always looks scary from the outside but once you're in it.. you just get it done, lol. He's equipt us with the strength and love to do so.
Yay again!!!!
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