I know that Abby is not yet a woman but she will be one day! Not to mention that there isn't anyone else in this world that inspires me more than Abby. Sure she is only 5 years old, but I believe that she is an extraordinary child. You may wonder how a 5 year old can inspire a 29 year old, well let me tell you. Abby is a perfectionist, I am realized this from watching her do her homeschooling. She will erase her letters if I tell her that she did not do it "perfectly" or "I think you could have done it better", instead of leaving it the way it was she will go back and do it over. I really like that about her, she doesn't settle for an "okay job" she wants it to be her best. Abby is also a very hard worker. There are days when I have to have her do two full lessons back to back because she is either behind or we will be missing a few days. She basically is doing school from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. Yes, she gets little breaks and sometimes it drives me crazy, but she is capable of doing it and that's why I can have her double up on her lessons. When I tell Abby to clean her room, she does a great job doing it. She has responsibilities and chores. Another way my daughter inspires me is by her thoughtfulness. She is always making a card for someone. She prays for the people on our prayer lists. She loves her little brother with all her heart and it shows. Abby also loves God. She loves learning the Bible stories, and it hurts her when she knows she's done wrong. So how does this 5 year old inspire me? She inspires me to be a better mom. She inspires me to be a hard worker and to always give my best. She inspires me to love others. She inspires me to love God more and to do more for Him. She inspires me to be kind and loving with my family members. She inspires me to be an encourager. She inspires me to be creative and fun! I could go on.
You know the other night her and I were snuggling in my bed, and she looked at me and said "mom, you're so beautiful" I just laughed and told her thanks, she was beautiful too. But it touched my heart. It made me feel beautiful.
I can also talk to Abby about anything. Of course I don't go to her with complaints about my husband or people in the church. But I can always talk to her when I am sad because if anyone can put a smile on my face it is Abby. She is the silliest and funniest little girl. Her imagination always going. Believe me when I tell you, you can have an adult conversation with this girl. She thinks about what she is saying and about what you are telling her. I love having conversations with this little chatter box. A lot of times she will go outside with my husband when he is washing the car and she'll just watch and talk to him. My husband loves to hear how she thinks about things. Her perspective is always interesting.
aww, how sweet. I enjoy reading your blog. :)
yeah remember wen she couldnt talk and we were like i wonder wut she is trying to say lol now we know :) i love u all
What a beautiful post. I hope you read it to her!
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