Monday, March 23, 2009

Woman #5- Hyo Sun Rudegeair (My Mom)

Who can you count on to always pray for you?

If there is one person in my life that I could count on for prayer it would be my mom. She is known in our family as the "Prayer Warrior." I remember, ever since I was young, my mom waking up each morning and starting off the day by reading her Bible, singing hymns and praying. I don't know where I would be today if it wasn't for my mom praying for me and on my behalf. My mom and I use to have a broken relationship. Growing up I just didn't understand my mom and we fought a lot. I gave her a lot of heartache, but no matter what rebellious stage I was going through my mom continued to pray for me. She would pray for my safety and that I would come back to God. I can say that today my mom and I have a sweet relationship. I love seeing her with my kids! She is such a loving and fun grandma. My mom would do anything for her family. Her family is her whole life and this is something that she has taught me as well. We still have our moments of frustrations but overall I understand my mom. I appreciate her and her love. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a godly mother. One that has a strong faith and belief in prayer.

If there is one thing that I miss the most about my mom, it would be her cooking ! She makes the best Korean food anywhere! When family gets together she starts taking dinner requests and she literally cooks ALL. DAY. LONG. She does it out of love. I appreciate this so much, especially since I have been married and on my own. I do not love cooking and I do not have the skills that my mother have, I now realize how hard my mom works to make us our favorite dish. So thanks Mom for always filling our bellies and for praying for us and our family. You are definitely one of my hero's! Love you

1 comment:

Sherry said...

That is the truth! Great post!