Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Women #6 - Esther Hannah

Who you'd love to have a one hour conversation with?

If I could have a one hour conversation with anyone of my choice, I would choose to go back in time and talk to myself. I wouldn't go as far back as this picture goes, but hey, it's the only one I had on my computer. When I was in the 6th grade, I was picked on by some bullies. Actually there was one bully and everyone else followed her. I was scared to go to school every single day. Every night I would pray that God would just send that girl away. Even at home I would have a constant sick feeling, because the girl lived only a block away. This girl and the rest of the 6th grade class use to gang up on me at recess. They would say the meanest things, and in class they would throw candy and such at me. It wasn't always like this, but when I didn't do what the bully girl asked of me I became the target. Thankfully this didn't last the whole year through, but I do remember that year being long and lonely. I had no friends. Not even the "nerdy" people would hang out with me for fear of becoming a part of the target. I was so sad. I still am sad for that little girl. If I could go back and talk to her, I would encourage her to stand up to those bullies, even if it meant getting hurt. I would have told her to never let anyone make you feel small and worthless. I would tell her that God is on her side and that he will never leave or forsake her. I would also tell her to stay away from the wrong crowds. Don't give in to peer pressure. To love God with all your heart and He will always take care of you.

There are so many things I would love to tell this little girl. I wish I could save her from all the hurt she has caused her family. But at the same time I would tell her, that God has a plan for her, and He wants to use her for His glory. If only she would submit to His will.

I know that this isn't your typical post of appreciation. But I do appreciate that little girl, because even thought she was scared, she survived. And even though she grew older and made wrong choices, she eventually made the right one. I am who I am today because she eventually submitted to the will of God and for that I am truly thankful :)


Sherry said...

Dumb post. I'm not crying at all. Nope. Not even a little.
Oh and for my post, I think I will pick that other girl to have a conversation with and then Kick her buh-hind! Ok...that's not nice either. =]

SavedbyGrace said...

ha, thanks Sherry. She's in jail now anyhow. I'm glad I don't have to send you a tissue :)

Traci said...

This was an awesome post. Might be the best one I've ever read here.

MamaHen Em said...

Incredible post. I stopped by from Traci's place and am glad I did :)

Anonymous said...

u had red hair and a aligator sweater lol :)