Friday, May 22, 2009

Where has time gone?

Can it be that time has quickened, when all along I thought it to be the same?

A day no longer feels like 24 hours, instead, it just evaporates like ice cream on a warm summer day.

My children are growing before my very eyes. One day they are new to this world and the next they are giving me cautionary advice.

"Be careful mom with what you say and how you act in every way, because I am watching you oh so close and will do the same when I am your age."

And this is something that I just can not believe, in August of this year I will be 30!

Who allowed this catastrophe? :o]

I'll be married for 8 years and happy with two kids, living the life that a grown up should live!

I look back now on the things that I did as a young foolish girl who did as she bid.

I did plenty of things that I will always regret, but they're covered by the blood, that's how He paid for my debts.

I owe so much to those that I love. They have held my hand through all of the above.

I have shed many tears and laughed many laughs. I have prayed many prayers that the burdens would pass.

And God must of heard those prayers I prayed, because my life is full of blessings , just look at my life today!

I'm living in God's will, there's no place I'd rather be. His peace and contentment poureth over me.

But there's still that question of "where has time flown"?

Is it passing faster with each year that I grow?

I have to admit, that I think I know, the answer to my question and where time does go.

You see I am older and wiser and have learned a thing or two along the way.

Yes, there's still 24 hours in just one single day.

But that doesn't matter, that's not what counts. It's how you fill up those minutes that can change your world around.

Do you talk to God, or laugh with your kids. Maybe you would rather spend the day in bed?

Do you cherish your husband and the love that you share? Or are you at that point where you act like you don't care?

You see time is too precious to just let it go by, take advantage of each second that you have alive.

Love your kids and talk to God, spoil your husband and let him play golf! ;0]

Take time for yourself, relax and think, about all the good things that you often see

Before you know it, you will blink an eye and say to yourself "time sure does fly by"!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Wow. You're a poet and I didn't know it! =] Great poem Ezzy.