My husband loves to hold on to things. For example, shoes. He has some really old Nike's that he uses for working outside and painting, he has a pair that he uses for running and then he just bought a new pair of New Balance shoes. I asked if he wanted to throw the old grungy ones away and use his other pair for working outside and stuff now that he got new ones, "no" I'll just put them in the shed and use them for real dirty work. (ughhhhh) We need to have a yard sale so bad. I have so much stuff I just want to get rid of. I almost don't want to have a yard sale, I just feel like getting everything and dropping it off at the local thrift store! But we need the money.
I think that's part of the reason dh doesn't ever want to get rid of something, he thinks about how much he paid for that item and it just kills to get rid of it. But it's wasteful to just let it sit too! He doesn't mind selling things but it's just a pain to get it all organized and labeled. Then you have the people that are trying to talk you down from $2.00 to $1.00!
I so badly just want to empty out closets, get rid of shoes, toys, magazines, junk!!! It's hard work, it is time consuming but in the end it is so rewarding!
I think it's like that with our spiritual life. We have things in our life that just needs to be thrown out! And for a while we push these "bad habits" or "small sins" but we never truly uproot it and purge it therefore coming back to those things and allowing them to come back in our lives. It's hard to quite doing something, it's hard to change, it's hard to not give into your flesh but once you get rid of the things that are cluttering up your spiritual life you end up feeling so much better! It's hard, but very rewarding!
Me too. I have so much junk around me. Most of it isn't mine. Maybe you can come purge my house, and I'll come purge yours.. and both of us can honestly say "I didn't do it!" and blame it on some woman from across the country when our husbands go looking for their old sneakers or torn up t-shirt from college. Deal?
bwahhaaaa too funny Traci!
Another awesome truth. You are a super writer. Love you.
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