Well this isn't exactly what I am thankful for, but I am thankful for transformation. My friend Amy left a comment on my previous post and it got me thinking about where I was and where I am in life. Even when I think about my whole life journey as a rebel teen to a Pastor's wife to simply who I am today. Over the years of my life there has been some serious transformation. I can look back and see how God has transformed me, how he has changed me, changed my heart. The beautiful thing is that He isn't finished. In fact, I am learning more about myself and my relationship with God now than I ever have before. I have learned that LOVE truly is the foundation for being a great and genuine Christian. "and the greatest of these is LOVE" God's love is what transform's us. His love is what reconciled our sins. His love. It's such a precious thing. God's love is what transforms our hearts to love others. To love those that are difficult to love and to love our vilest enemy. God's love transforms. I wish more Christians understood this. I wish they would recognize it. If they did they would not judge, they would not condemn, they would not be stagnant.
The other reason I am thankful for transformation is because it offers hope. You see, right now my marriage is broken. We are working on putting things back together ( I purposely chose not to you the word restore). The reason I didn't say we are working on restoring our marriage is because I don't want it restored to what it used to be. I want our marriage to be transformed into something precious and beautiful. A bond so strong that nothing and nobody can break it. I want our marriage to be something that pleases God and brings HIM glory. I want our marriage to be fun, passionate, honest and unshakable. I want a marriage that my kids can grow up thinking "I want one just like my mom and dad". In order for me to have this kind of marriage, I need God to transform the broken marriage that I have now into this more solid and secure marriage. And with God's Love and our determination to put each other first we can have a transformed marriage. I beleive this with my whole heart and i'm counting on it!
Okay. That's some good writing right there. Wow! Love it Esther. We are actively praying for you and your family. I love you.
Love this post!! Prayers for the transformation of your marriage... I've watched in awe as you've grown in your journey... so happy for all you've found already!
Sooo beautiful! I'm am soo happy for you and what God is doing in your life. We are all certainly a work in progress. I love knowing that He doesn't just leave us to our own devices, but loves us so much that He will NEVER leave us alone. He wants us to be happy, living an abundant life and as I walk hand in hand with Him down the path He has for me, I am at peace and on my way to becoming who He created me to be....and enjoying the walk and scenery along the way.
Love you and yours...praying for this transitional time in your lives to be abundantly blessed and exciting :) <3
So happy for you Esther. Praying for your transformation and that all goes well. Love the updates. :)
Wow! Esther, your thoughts are so beautifully expressed. I enjoyed reading this today.
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