Here is my question: Is it in a boy's natural design to want to please his mother? Simply to make her happy and receive her approval? Is all of that instilled in them from the day they were born?
Allow me to take a minute to explain. My 2 year old son is a picky eater. He HATES veggie's, and he loves chicken most of the time, well if it comes through McDonalds drive thru he loves it. He use to love hamburger, rice and most pasta's. But it seems like lately I can't get it right. He loves spaghetti without any meat. He occasionally likes chicken nuggets. Once in a while he'll eat roast beef. But a lot of times he only takes one or two bites and then he is done. He's already skinny. I feel bad. As a mom it is comforting to know that your child is well fed. So since I am on a path of discovery, I wanted to discover a way to trick him into eating his veggie's. I thought to myself, he likes cheeseburgers, and he likes bagels (he's not a big tortilla or bread fan) I'll just puree some green beans and mix it into the meat. He'll never know! I begin making these burgers. mini burgers. I have never made burgers in my life. My husband usually makes them because he grills. But I wanted to give it a try. I mix everything together and I make mini patties, I put some cheese on top and then place the patty on the bagel. I tried the first one and DANG it was good. I was impressed with myself (LOL) I thought he is going to love this! He will probably eat all of this and ask for more! So I sit him down and we pray for the food, he picks up his bagel burger and takes a big bite...... he chews and chews.... he starts to make a face. "I don't like it mom" I tell him no you need to swallow that. He takes a big gulp of water and washes it down. I make him take another bite, he chews but this time he gags. "Are you kidding me? What do I need to do?" I am now so frustrated. I'm disappointed. I'm annoyed! He pushes it away and says "I don't like it mom. I don't like my sandwich." Fine. I wasn't gonna force him to eat it. I start wrapping it up. "My Ellie and Abby will eat it" and I sat back down and looked at him. "Josiah, Mommy is sad." I said to him. "No, I'm happy mom." he replies. "No, I'm sad. I'm sad because I made you a sandwich and you said I don't like it. You made me sad." "I do like it mom, I do like my sandwich." he replied "I want it. I want to eat it." So I pulled it back out of the fridge and gave it to him again. This time he picked it up and he ate it. No problem. He didn't gag at all. He didn't finish it but he ate over half! I looked at him and said "Josiah, I am so happy. You made Mommy so happy" and I could see on his face that making me happy made him even happier. Has he just been playing "battle of the wills" with me? Was he testing the limits all this time? Or does he love me that much that he would choke down a bagel burger just to make his mommy happy? Whatever it is, I don't want to lose that in him. I want him to always want to make Mommy happy, even as a teenager or young adult. I'm not saying I want him to always make decisions based on my happiness but I do want him to always have that desire in his heart. This must be how God feels when He knows that we as His children give up our own ways, our own will, and take on His desires, His ways. What a beautiful discovery!
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