Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Blog.

I need to blog. If I don't blog, then I feel as if I am neglecting a friend. It's always in the back of my mind and I think of things that I want to blog about, but then I don't get to it. I would rather watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy, or eat cookies with my coffee and read my book. And though I enjoy those things, my poor neglected blog stays in the back of my mind whispering to me.
Why is that? I know some folks blog because they want to vent to the world about what's going on, some just love to receive comments and feed back. For me, it helps me relax. It helps me get my thoughts in order and my spirit back on track. So until I do it, I feel stressed. Tense. My head feels full.
Since moving to Michigan, my family has been looking for a church. One that has a great children's ministry, and preaching that can help us grow. So far we haven't found the right church for us and to be honest, it is draining. Some Sundays we won't even go. We'll find an excuse to stay home, snuggled in our warm beds. And although I don't think we are being horrible Christians by not going to a church service Sunday morning, the feeling still nags me. (or is that the Holy Spirit ;) Sort of like when I need to blog, but choose to do something else. And when we are in a church service, I can tell from the moment we start to sing that I feel like crying because it feels like I have been neglecting a friend. A very Dear Friend. I sing the words of the songs and I let them saturate my soul. Allowing it to be my prayer. Can I just say that there is nothing sweeter? The power of music. The power of praise. It really does so much for the spirit.  I would love to find a church that had a wonderful praise and worship time followed by a convicting message. An encouraging message. One that is going to help build our family, drawing us closer to our Heavenly Father.  
A thought just occurred to me. If when I sit in church and feel how much I have missed my Heavenly Father, I wonder how He feels and how much has He missed me?  It must be a lot because after all He loves me more than anyone else in this world could love me and He loves me more than I love Him. I need to remember to Discover this daily. To find time in each day to not neglect Him. To praise Him. To communicate with Him. To simply say "I'm thinking of you today."

1 comment:

Traci said...

Hey there! I know exactly how you feel because I hate being away from my blog for very long. I blog for a lot of reasons, but I think the biggest reason is that there are things that I want to creatively say and there aren't very many outlets that allow me to do that completely without limiting the number of characters, etc.

On another note, I have heard of one really great church in Michigan but unless God truly led me to this post miraculously so that I could share it with you... then I doubt you're in the same part of Michigan, lol! I believe it's in Middleville or around there somewhere, the First Baptist Church of Middleville maybe? But like I said.. chances are you're nowhere near there, lol!