Monday, September 26, 2011

I am begging

I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL OF IT. ALL THE SIN. ALL THE LIES!!! YOU WONDER WHY THIS IS ALL IN CAPS, WELL ITS BECAUSE I AM YELLING. I AM YELLING OUT TO THOSE THAT ARE HURTING THEIR FAMILIES. NOT LOVING THEIR HUSBANDS OR THEIR WIVES. NOT LOVING THEIR CHILDREN. NOT BEING HONEST AND GENUINE. I AM YELLING TO THOSE THAT ARE LIVING A LIFE FULL OF LIES AND DECEIT, THEY FOOL THEMSELVES INTO THINKING THAT THEY ARE A GOOD CHRISTIAN THAT THEY DESERVE SOMETHING FROM GOD. SOMETHING BETTER. LET ME SCREAM THIS AT YOU. WE ARE WICKED, WE ARE SINNERS, WE ARE SELFISH FILTHY BEINGS FULL OF LUST AND HATE. WE ARE A SPECIES THAT STINKS OF SIN AND FILTH. OUR HEARTS HAVE NO GOOD IN IT. NONE!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME???? THERE ISN'T ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO BE "GOOD" ENOUGH. WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD.  I hurt, I hurt so deeply. How do you help people? How do you show them that they have to STOP this sickening routine that they live and call life?   All they are doing is changing rolls, the heart stays the same but the costume changes. The outside plays good but the inside moans in darkness. They are so lost they can't and don't even know how to help themselves. And in doing what they think is right they are hurting those that mean the most to them. Those that should be cherished and protected. Their children, their spouse, their family.  I am angry. I am angry that people can be selfish, that sin can just consume the way maggots consume rotting flesh. And then you induce that same hate, that same burden and pain into your children. Because you are selfish, you are wicked. Don't you see what it takes to heal? Don't you see what it takes to really live??????!!!! Do you not see who you really are in the mirror? If not, pick up the Word of God and read it. Let it be your mirror because I promise you if you truly wanted to see yourself for who you are the Bible will reveal it to you. Lies.... so many Lies... Each having their own consequence, their own reaction. What will it take? Do you really want to please God? Do you? Do you really love Him??? If so obey is Word. Humble yourself. Get off your pedal stool of lies. Remove the mud from your eyes, the scales from your heart and forgive! Love!  I know what it feels like to be lost, to be wounded, to be consumed with hate. I thought I was so right in my sin. I thought that I was doing what was okay.  I wasn't in the Word. I wasn't seeking Godly council.  My heart was hard. I see how wrong I was. I was and am so wicked. I am nothing but a sinner. But the love of God IS in me and I was able to forgive. I was able to love, I was able to see myself in the mirror and say God forgive me.
I hurt for so many families being destroyed by sin.  I see them crumble one by one all around me and I cry. I cry because I came so close to losing my family. I came so close to losing my husband. Not even losing him, throwing him away. As if he was so easily disposable. Let me say Marriage is hard. You take 2 sinners and put them together it is almost a guarantee for disaster. But that is why we have God. That is why we are suppose to support each other and encourage each other to walk in the light. But so often that light is dimmed because we like the dark. We like the sin. We indulge in the flesh and its desires. Whether it is anger, or lust. For some it is having no compassion. Unkindness. Selfishness. Deceit. Two Faced. A silver Tongue.  Manipulate.Pride.Adultery. Fornication. How can we live for Christ when we are living for ourselves? So I leave you with this question reader. Who are you? What are you doing to show that Gods love is in you? Are you humble? Are you honest? Have you repented and begged for mercy for your childrens sake? For your sake? Have you admitted who you are? Or do you still live a life that is a mirage? I beg you to look, to search your hearts. Come to the cross. Let God love you, heal you, heal your family, save your marriage, your relationships with family or friends. We are to love one another. If God's love is in you , we are to take that love and share it with others.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Wow. Beautifully and wonderfully written. Love you. So true. What else can I say?