Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Titus Tuesday

Every Tuesday I will be posting on something that is relative to Parenting, Marriage or Being a Wife :)
1John 5:2,3
2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.

Right now I am studying 1 John, and it just so happens that my Pastor preached from 1 John this past Sunday. He preached about loving God. He said one of the ways you love God is through obeying His commandments. When you love God then His love is in you and you are able to love one another. But what stood out to me was the part of the verse that I highlighted! Obeying God should not be burdensome. Because you love Him you should want to please Him, you should want to obey.
That brings me to my husband. (you may know where this is going, if you do maybe you have struggled with something similar as well) My husband loves to be tickled. It is his all time favorite thing. A lot of times when we go to bed, I like to snuggle up close and he likes me to tickle him to help him relax. Usually I don't mind, I'm happy to do it. But then there are times like the other night. Let me begin, I was exhausted. I wasn't feeling well and I was just so so tired. We get to bed and I snuggle close, but I don't tickle him because I'm too tired and all I want to do is sleep. My husband says nothing. As i'm lying there, I feel his body twitch. This means he had a long day and he is drifting off to La La Land. Well because he is twitching I can't sleep, so I roll over. In doing so he woke up and asked if I was okay. I said yes, you're just twitchy. He then said "well you can tickle me and that would relax me".... now, i'm bugged. I am the one that is having trouble falling asleep yet he wants me to tickle him to help him relax so he can go back to sleep.... Hhhmm.. Nope! I said, i'm too tired. A few more words were exchanged and we basically fell asleep annoyed at each other. Which meant we woke up annoyed with each other. Eventually we talked it all out and we are now fine but the problem was selfishness. 
So often I don't want to do certain things for my husband. It feels burdensome. Kind of the same way your kids get when you tell them to clean their room! Yup, that's how it would sometimes make me feel when he wants me to tickle him. But why??? I love my husband. I want to please him. I want to make him happy. Yet when I put myself first, I fail to show him all of those things. :( We should both have the same mentality of meeting each others needs. We should want to serve each other, we should think of the others needs and wants, we should put the other first and do it without it feeling burdensome. But we are selfish, we are sinners and that's why it is something we will always have to work at accomplishing. If we both fulfilled each others needs you would have one major tool in keeping a happy marriage. AND you are obeying and pleasing God as well. So this is what I am working on. 


mikki roo said...

I love this and can't wait to read more every Tuesday! Thanks, Es... you inspire me!!

Amy said...

Lovely Esther. Very wise and inspiring.