I realize that i'm not the only person that feels this way. I think as humans we all long for that connection with someone. I think we all long for something stable and constant. However I think there is something that has been lost over the years between people and that is LOYALTY. Another word for loyalty is FAITHFUL. The meaning of faithful is :
1. strict or thorough in the performance of duty:
steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant: faithfulfriends.
reliable, trusted, or believed.
adhering or true to fact, a standard, or an original;accurate: a faithful account; a faithful copy.
I do believe I have friends. I know I have friends. I have friends that live in other states, friends that I've met via IRL. I have friends that are playdate friends. Friends that are fun to go out with. Even still, I can't say that I have that one friend. The kind the Bible speaks of. The kind that sticks through it no matter how ugly things get. The kind that never talks bad about you and shuts the ones up that do. The kind of friendship that David and Jonathan had in the Bible.
Proverbs 17:17a "a friend is always loyal"
Proverbs 18:24 " there are friends that destroy each other (not the kind of friend i want or want to be) but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."
Proverbs 27:6 "Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy"
Proverbs 27:27 "Iron sharpens Iron , so a friend sharpens a friend"
I totally know what you mean Ezz. I want to be that friend to you and I think we are finally at that point in our life that we really could be. =) Well, except the part about sharing clothes...maybe a scarf? haha. I love you so much. My heart aches for all of to be closer (literally and figuratively).
Hey,emo i love your post I think everybody wants a real best friend.
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