Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Women in the word

I have been doing a Bible study of 1 John with Courtney at Good Morning Girls and I have to say that it has been such a blessing to read and study this book with other Christian women!

Today's passage was 1 John 3:16-20

S:16 We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?
 18 Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. 19 Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. 20 Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.

O: The first thing I notice here in VS. 16,17 is that as Christians we are suppose to be sacrificial. We are suppose to support our Sisters and Brothers in Christ. We are to help them, the same way we would try and help our earthly family. The problem is, we don't do enough of this and if we do sacrifice our time, money or work, we end up complaining about it. Doing it out of obligation instead of love. What good comes from doing ANYTHING if your motives are not supported by love? We are selfish. We seek glory from man. We want the satisfaction of easing our conscience, so we "sacrifice." In VS. 18-20 I notice that it is not good enough to just say we love each other. Or just say that "I love God"! The same way that it is not enough to just say to your husband or wife that you love them. It is not enough to just say to your children that you love them. With love comes action! God loved us so He sent His only Son, Jesus to this wicked world. (ACTION) Then Jesus Christ served (ACTION) on this earth. Then he committed the ultimate act of love, He died in every way for us, for me. (ACTION!!!) A lot of  proclaimed Christians are saying with their lips that they love love love.... but they aren't proving it through their actions.  Whether it is their speech, their attitude, the choices they make or the way the "serve" God or others. 

A: Now here is what I see in verse 19 and 20, and this is what I love about God. Because we are human, we are going to fail. We can't always do right because we are sinners. So we fail Him. We fail to love. The difference is, even though we fail we continue trying. We continue to sacrifice out of love and sincerity. We continue to get to know God through His Word, even if it's been a while. We continue to communicate and work things out with our Husband or Wife, even if there seems useless. Once again it comes to your heart. God knows we are going to fail, but He see's our heart. He see's my heart. "He knows everything" I believe that is what all of 1 John is about, the condition of your heart. Of my heart. Our emotions or feelings will tell us that we can not stand before God with confidence because know that we will and have failed. But that shouldn't keep us from trying again and again. If we are sincere in our hearts to Honor and Please God then that is what matters to Him. Because of that we CAN have confidence when we stand before Him. So be sincere in your heart's desire to love. Because God Knows Everything!!

P: Father, help me to love with a sacrificial love. It isn't easy but I believe that is what you want from us. I believe that is the best way to show the world your love. I also believe that this is the most difficult thing to do. Especially when one betrays you or hurts you. Maybe they are not even sorry. Often in this situation, I don't know how to love. I don't know how to show love. I can forgive, but even that is difficult when it seems pointless. But you did it Jesus, You did it when you were dying on the cross and your own children were shouting "crucify crucify" You continued to love, to forgive. Father, I fail you so often. I want more than anything to be able to stand before you with confidence, knowing that I did the best I could.  I'm sorry for when I fail you. I truly am. 
Love , Your Daughter. 

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