Monday, February 27, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... Once again the snow covers the ground. I think we're suppose to be getting an Ice Storm and I am some what excited about that (with Camera in hand.)

I am thinking... About a few different things. 1. would be what I will be making for dinner. 2.   that my husband will be home soon and I should really clean the kitchen.

I am thankful...That God is bringing truth to light. Also, I am thankful for a warm home and comfy bed. 

In the kitchen... I already mentioned the kitchen, but what I will say is that this afternoon for lunch I made a wonderful meal. Chicken tenderloin, broccoli and spinach. All cooked in smart choice butter and seasoned with cajun seasoning.(like a stir fried without the starch or carbs) It was FANTASTIC!!! 

I am skinny jeans, white thermal and black down vest.

I am creating... A plan for my family to eat better. I watched the documentary Food, Inc. and my perspective on food has changed. We will be buying organic foods as much as possible and after some discussion, we will be buying half a cow and pork. I want to buy more locally grown groceries.  We don't have a lot of money so i need to get organized and create a plan. 

I am going... on a low carb diet. I will be writing about this new experience on my diet blog. Crash Dietary

I am hoping... That is enough in itself isn't it? To hope for all good things. Having hope for friends and family. Hope for my goals and dreams to be reached.

I am learning...A lot. about myself, about others, about God's Word, about health, about strength, about truth. 

Around the house...Joey (my 3 year old) is running around the couch. He says he is exercising. I on the other hand am staying home from my workout because my stomach hasn't been feeling good. 

A favorite quote for today... There is so much truth to this. It would be easier to love if our ego didn't get in the way.

One of my favorite things... telling knock knock jokes with my kids. We make them up and they make zero sense, but they're pretty funny and every once in a while my kids make one up that's pretty good. "knock knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? It's SNOW cold out here" ~Joey 3 years old.

A few plans for the rest of the week: To keep up with my low carb diet. Which means I will be searching for some low carb recipes. Working out. Spending time with family. Home Schooling.

A peek into my day... My son got this train set 2 Christmases ago. We had it put away for a while and recently I brought it back out, it was like a brand new gift :) I love watching them having fun and appreciating the toys they have.
If you would like to partake on this fun daybook, click here :)

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