That was my facebook status to announce that we will be having baby #4 in August of 2013!! Some got it and some didn't. I wasn't planning on telling my family until Christmas but as i was talking to Miguel (he was driving) I was trying to get him to get everything transferred with our insurance, and I kept saying well in case we start trying for baby #4... Well he said to me "I think we need to wait at least 5-6 months, just because of finances and getting settled in etc..." At that point I realized he had NO idea so I decided I needed to pull out the HPT and show him,"uh, I guess I won't show this to you for another 5-6 months then"? JAW DROP ! "What??? How in the world? Are you serious?" (me laughing) Yah, he was totally blind sided. Last month I was sick with strep, then Miguel got it and then caught the flu, then we were rushing to finish the packing, loading and cleaning so we could move. It was during that time that I started questioning if I was pregnant.
There has been many times that I questioned whether I wanted 4 kids, but I think after having the miscarriage in September it made me more excited about the possibility of having a bigger family. I began praying that if God felt we could handle another child, if He thought it was best, then please bless me with another child. And here I am at 7 weeks. I know it is still so early but this babies life is in God's hands. So far the only thing I have experiencing is fatigue and a sensitive sense of smell. Oh and having to go to the bathroom to tinkle frequently. Usually with each pregnancy I "knew" what I was going to have. This time I don't really know. It would be nice to have another boy, especially if he is like Joey, but I'm just not sure this time around.
It's almost like we're starting all over material wise, because I thought after Ellie I would be done having children. So I sold everything. All of our baby stuff. BUT the good thing about this being baby #4 I realize you really don't need much. I do need a crib and bedding, I do need a jumperoo(all my kids loved that thing) and eventually I will need a high chair. The only thing I kept was my Baby wrap to carry my baby. So we'll make do with things we have. Oh I do need a car seat. LOL probably the most important item. This pregnancy is so different for me.I'm at new place in my life right now. This is the first pregnancy that I will have to go to some appointments alone. This is the first time I will get to wear maternity pants!! I know that to some that is ridiculously stupid, but for me it is something new and I love my jeans! I of course will still wear my skirts and dresses especially as it gets hotter her in the desert, but a great pair of jeans can make you feel skinny no matter how big your stomach may be :) I have also never worked out during any of my pregnancies and that is something I want to do and maintain through out the entire 9 months. Some things that I worry about would be the weight gain. I'm not as thin as I was before I got pregnant with my other kids and I always gained so much weight, partly because my kids are so big but also because I love to eat. Of course every woman thinks a about stretch marks, I have some but they're not bad and I'm really hoping it doesn't get bad this time around. I know these are shallow things but its what I worry about. The health of my baby is in God's hands and I have to trust Him.
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