Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Interview with Ellie


3 (but she says Phuree)

How do you feel about having a brother ?


Did you want a brother or sister?

I wanted a sister one.


Because I love it, and they're so cute.

How will you help your mommy with the new baby?

Ummm I will help her, ummmm, put diapers on him with Mommy. And if he cries, I will give him a pacifier.

How many babies is Mommy gonna have?

ummm 3

How many more siblings do you want?

Pregnant more so I can have a little sister baby.

What is your favorite thing about babies?

putting a pacifier in their mouth

Are you going to be there when the baby is born?

um yes, I'm gonna say "it's okay baby, if he cries"

How does the baby get in Mommys tummy?

um, I don't know.

What do YOU want to name the baby?

I would like to call it, Just Benji

How old will you be when the baby is born?

I don't know. you have to ask me that when he comes home.

Are you afraid of anything happening when the baby comes?

no there is nothing to be afraid of.

What do you look forward to the most?

Giving him his Papi (pacifier)

How do you think Josiah & Abby will act towards the baby?

I think they will be good.

What did you first think when you found out your mom was pregnant?

I was excited

How do you think this baby is going to be?

I think he will be afraid of everything

What is something you want to tell Benji

Don't worry about it, if your Papi is lost I will find it.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Okay.I'm dead. She's too much. I can't believe how obsessed she is with that pacifier. lol You have great kids. love you xo