Thursday, February 12, 2009

Altered Items! A Sticky Situation and Love 6

My sister, Sherry, is always taking something simple (like a Altoids tin) and altering it into something beautiful! So as I was cleaning out some things I decided to try and reuse them instead of just throwing them away. In the first picture you see two brown metal things that you can hang on the wall. I painted it brown and put Abby and Josiah's picture on it and I sealed it with modge podge * which is sticky in itself * I am going to use these on the walls in Abby's classroom to hold her pencil's and pens. The item in the middle is a Strawberry powder container. I wanted to make a prize Jar for Abby. I am going to let her put a marble in the jar every time she does awesome on her school work or when she does something without being asked. When this jar is all full, we will plan something fun or she can pick out a special prize. This project was the messiest for me. First I glued everything down with Elmer's glue *not the best glue* second I didn't have a sponge brush, so I used one of my cosmetic sponges. I mixed modge podge with a little bit of water (too much water actually) and then I coated everything in hopes it would stick down. But it didn't and because it was so watery the paper started to bubble and colors started to bleed through... So then I decided to spray some high gloss sealant on the whole thing. I took it outside and sprayed it. Overall it came out okay for my first project, and Abby just loves it! It's funny how she doesn't see the imperfections! Don't you just love that about kids at this age. They think mom and dad are just perfect as can be, but we know better =] I pray that their image of us is never shattered. They may grow up and see we aren't as perfect as when they were young, but I never want to do anything that will destroy my testimony with them. Often we protect our testimony for those on the outside, but on the inside of our home, we destroy it daily. We need to work even harder at protecting our testimony with our children and our family.
Anyhow.... here is my sticky project =]


Sherry said...

Awesome job, Esther. You'll get the hang of it! Every time you do it, you'll see something that you would do differently the next time and you'll get better with each try. The most important thing is that you are recycling and you are doing something for your children. God is good! Always.

Sherry said...

Oh and...

TrulyBlessed said...

great job sis... i guess someday i will get into the projects you both are in... until then, i will stick with... dancing! hahaha i just taught my cheerleaders a whole 1 1/2 dance routine with the help of little sis deborah!! they thought it was so funny to see my prego belly doing a body roll!! lol i know you can picture it now! haha

Le@nne said...

I came here from Sherry's blog .. Love what you have done with these items :) Congratulations!

Rachel Anne said...

Those are so cute! Way to can't get any stickier that mod podge!