My last day Pregnant.

I loved being pregnant. Of course you have your days when you are sick or things get rough, but overall I loved being pregnant. I love the feeling of having my baby move inside of my tummy. Watching my belly grow always amazed me! I may feel differently had my pregnancies been filled with vomit, nausea and complications, but I was very blessed.
One of my favorite memories from my first pregnancy was when I was about five months along and dh and I went to the state fair. I ate and ate and ate.... I never got full and everything tasted so heavenly. This was different for me because before being pregnant I simply ate to survive. With my second pregnancy, my greatest memories are of Abby taking my weekly belly photo's. She would use my camera and she would take my picture. I now can look back and remember how I grew with my child inside of me but also say that my daughter was the photographer.
Since having Josiah, my ppp has been irregular. Maybe because I am nursing or if I am stressed but the last to months I have not started on time. This past month was the most confusing for me. I was a whole week late, which is so different for me. I told dh and he just shrugged it off. Then about 2 minutes later af showed up....
This afternoon he told me that he was a little bit disappointed that I wasn't pregnant. When he said that it just touched my heart. I love knowing that my husband loves the idea of having more kids. He loves how I look when I am pregnant and that is a special quality to have :)
I often wonder if I would be ready to have another pregnancy so soon... I think about Josiah and he's only 7.5 months, he would be just over a year and a half If I was to have another baby. I don't know if I would be ready to two babies at the same time. Not only that but when you have a baby you have to devote so much time to that wee one. I don't want my son to feel slighted or cheated out of that one on one attention. But on the other hand, I know of siblings that are very close in age and they are very close at heart as well. I know it is all in God's timing anyhow... but I was just thinking about how it would be if I were. I know I would enjoy it and I know that God will provide the whatever it is I'd need, so I'm not worried about it.
I'm just thankful that either way my dh would be happy!
You look amazing in that picture. Why oh why were we born with such different metabolisms? It really is unfair. love you.
How come you have such a huge belly and your chest isn't as big?! hmmm... my chest is getting way bigger and it is AGGRAVATING!! They make me feel like I can't breath. I hate it... I am glad you loved your pregnancy... I am trying to love it but this is my hardest month, so far. lol
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