Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tag, I'm it!

You are supposed to go to your 6th file, 6th photo on your computer and then post that picture and tell something about it.
So, here is mine.

This was taken in January of this year. We went to the lake for a picnic and we decided to take our two yorkshire terriers. The black and tan is our male, Diego. If he wasn't so darn cute I would have already gotten rid of him. The silver and blond is our female, ChloeMay. She is the sweetest and daintiest little girl. She really is a wonderful dog, but she has some minor health problems. Diego is 5 years old and Chloe is 6.

Abigail my daughter is wearing a knitted hat. It was given to her by a lady in our church. Someone that works with her husband made one for all of the children in our church, Abby just loves this hat. We had a lot of fun that day and we can't wait until it is truly summer so we can take our boat out on the water!

I tag: Katarina, Alyssa, Jill, Hannah, and Deborah

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Great pic and description! Thanks for playing!