Monday, March 9, 2009

March Challeng #2 - Dinnie Delgado

Who taught you a skill that you use often?
This is my MIL, Dinnie Delgado. I really couldn't ask for a better MIL. She's not one of those MIL's that have to voice her opinion in matters that don't concern her and if she does, she always apologizes. This lady can do it all, her house is always clean, her food is never burnt and she is always doing something special for someone and on top of that she works full time as a kindergarten teacher. But none of these things are skills that she has taught me.... The skill that she taught me was how to make the best Taco's in the world. IMO. See, growing up we always ate Old El Paso shells stuffed with taco seasoned hamburger meat and called those taco's. When I made them for my husband, he thought maybe I had just gone to taco bell and picked up some taco's and said that I made them. Needless to say, they were not is favorite and they were not like his mom's taco's* which he foolishly told me so* Once I got over my pride and hurt feelings, I called his mom. She told me how she makes them (which is so easy) and I make mine the same way now. However I have changed some things a little and personally think they are better and my husband thinks so as well :)
When I went home to Washington last month, my dad was saying he hasn't had really good taco's in a long time. My mom is Korean and typically does not care for Mexican food. So I made some taco's for me and my dad. Mom had already ate dinner but I wanted her to come taste my taco's. She said that she was too full so I replied "okay mom, next time you want me to taste something I'm gonna say I'm too full." "Alright" she replied and then came to get a bite of my taco. "ohhhh those are good" and she went back to where she was sitting. Dad and I were talking and enjoying our taco's when my mom came and asked for another bite, I just gave her the rest of my taco and went to go make me the last one. Just as I sat down to take bite, my mom asked if I could make her one... but there wasn't any meat left so I gave her the last one. My mom was "impressed" that I could cook such yummy taco's! LOL I owe my MIL for that!


TrulyBlessed said...

hahaha mom is just too funny... i am glad you have a second mom who is close to you and makes you happy... i miss you sis!

Traci said...

That is a very cool skill. I honestly feel a little left out now because I really want a good taco, lol.