Friday, March 6, 2009

Woman #1- Trish Delgado

This Months challenge is about the special Women in our lives. This is really going to be a challenge for me, because there aren't very many Woman in my life that I can say I admire, but there are a few.

Who you wish you spent more time with or talked to more often?
In the above picture is my husbands cousin, Trish. She is a Mother of three amazing kids and a wonderful wife. Her family lives in Cuba, NM and she is a SAHM. Almost all of her family live right there by her in this small town. Her parents own this little pizzeria, and they make the best home made pizza I have ever tasted. The reason I chose Trish is because the times I have spent with her, I have always had great conversations and lots of laughter. She is the most patient mother I have ever met. She is down to earth, yet a Godly Christian woman. I learn from her every time I'm around her. (which is not very often) If I could choose to be around someone more often or talk to someone more often it would be Trish. Our kids always has such a great time together and I love how positive she is about things. She is an encourager and a woman of prayer. She is easy to talk to and you don't have to act like someone you're not. I remember one time when we were together, I told her how one day I would love to go back to college and get a degree in Midwifery or even be certified as a Douala. She immediately responded "that is what I have always thought you should do. You would be perfect for that position"! I thought it was funny at the time that she sees those "qualities" in me, but her comment encouraged me. It made me feel good to know that even though I am a SAHM, someone else sees potential in me to not only do something great in life, but to achieve my dream.
Another example: Her little girl, Sophia who was about 18 months, was playing in the kitchen while Trish was cooking lunch for us. Sophie had gotten into the new box of cereal and dumped the whole box on the ground. I would have been so frustrated, but Trish just said "oh Sophia" and let her sit there and play in the cereal for a while. She just didn't see a point in cleaning it up just that second, she let her daughter explore and have fun. When Sophia was bored with the cereal, Trish picked her up and put her in the living room and then cleaned up the mess.
So if there was one woman that I wish I could spend more time with, it would be Trish Delgado

1 comment:

Traci said...

You did a very good job with this post. Isn't it great when there's someone like that who you can connect with?

Trish sounds like a great person and I hope you share your post with her?