Monday, March 2, 2009

MOndays... (sigh)

Why are Mondays so difficult? I can almost count on having a stressful day when Monday rolls around. The house gets so messed up over the weekend and I'm not quite sure how it happens. Maybe today is a little harder for me because my back has been killing me. (probably from carrying Josiah around all over Washington)
Abby is behind in her school work since her dad only made her do school once while I was gone. I had to bathe and groom Chloe, she rolled in the dead grass and shook it off all over the carpet and through out the house. (boy was I ticked) So needless to say, she got a buzz cut, poor dog. Laundry is flowing like a hidious mud slide and the fridge desperately needs to be scrubbed. (sigh) It doesn't take much. Sometimes coming back from "vacation" is difficult, because you have to work twice as hard to play catch up.
It's okay. It can only get cleaner and better. Right???

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Um, yeah. I know exactly how you feel - except I haven't gone anywhere! LOL