So i don't think I really have anything in particular to blog about, but I feel the urge to blog. Every since coming back from my trip in WA. my body has been aching in so many different ways. Miguel now has a extremely sore throat, but thankfully the kids are healthy. I was reading my Bible yesterday and I was reading about when God appeared to Solomon and said "whatever you want I'll give it to you" *in so many words*
I thought how totally awesome and funny at the same time. You often hear preachers preach that God is not our personal genie, but in this case He was Solomons personal "genie" LOL This though made me laugh. Then I began wondering if I had one wish what would it be? Obviously Solomon asked for wisdom.... Maybe I would ask to have a special power, but then I'd have to be specific or my special power would be something like turning on and off a light switch with a single thought. I don't know. Maybe I would ask that God would make me the best mother and wife there ever was. A good one would be, to never have financial problems.
But seriously, God is ready to grant you one desire, one wish. I think Solomon made a wise choice by choosing wisdom. *although it does stump me as to how he allowed all those wicked women to turn his heart away from God. Not so wise* hmmm.. It makes me wonder.
Okay, I think I know what I would ask for, are you ready?
I would ask that all of my family, my children, their children and their children's children (you got the point) and any of my relatives and their children would not only accept Christ as their personal Saviour but would love God with all their hearts and all their soul. That they would stand strong against this world and be bold in His love. That each on of them will be a might Christian for Christ, representing Him in the greatest and purest way.
This is what I would ask for. After all what is more scary than a loved one not being saved and on their way to hell? Nothing. So this way, anyone in my blood line or extended blood line would be saved, but not just saved, they would be might warriors for Christ! Yes!
so i read the name of this blog "salmon" lol i was confused for a bit
Great post, Esther. I hope you all feel better soon! Great request too. Mine would be a totally selfish one about weight probably. LOL
You guys are so hilarious. we are feeling a lot better. Tylenol is my best friend.
I'll second your prayer Esther. I was thinking that very same thing last night when my sick 4 year old told me "You are only allowed to pray ONE prayer tonight mom.. I want to go to sleep!" lol.
Traci, That is too funny. Don't you just love our children?
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