As I came across this question in Traci's March Challenge, I immediately knew the answer, Deborah Rudegeair.
Deborah is my youngest sister. She is the baby of 5 kids. She is the most spoiled and definitely the most blunt of the bunch. But this is why I love her. Because although the things that come out of her mouth are inappropriate and sometimes uncalled for, it will almost always make you bust a gut laughing. You should have heard her after my other sister had her baby.... She would tell Tabitha, "wow, your face is really swollen." I had to hit her and tell her to shut up because Tabitha did just push out a baby! LOL But of course Tabitha wasn't even phased by Deborah's comment... But the other thing Deborah said that made us really crack up was.. " I love him (our nephew J.P) so much. I mean I love him like as if he was my own son, but Tabitha pushed him out and all." but what made it even funnier is that she was sooooo serious. She was even teary eyed LOL!
If I had lettuce in my teeth, this girl would for sure tell me. She would also pick it out for me. That is just how she is and I love her to death for it.
Yeah, I think Deborah's the one that put the lettuce there in the first place! LOL She's the greatest, isn't she?
LOL no kidding! She would pick a booger for us if we needed it!
o gash lol i love u i was cracking up this whole time reading it... lol so i pick clints nose all the time... helping hand. i cant help being honest even if it hurts
that is the truth deb... she is one of a kind... i can ask her for any type of help and she is there in a heartbeat... i love that one! =)
You always make me want sisters. This was the funniest post, lol.
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