Wednesday, April 1, 2009

almost 7 weeks

Well I just wanted to post about my pregnancy. I'm waiting for my pregnancy journal to come in the mail and I don't know when that will be. In the mean time I need to write... get my thoughts out...
So far I haven't had much morning sickness, I think that my biggest symptom is exhaustion. No matter how much rest I do get, I am still so tired. When I do get sick it is usually from waiting to long to eat and then when I do finally eat I get queasy. I think I need to start eating smaller meals throughout the day.
I will be 7 week tomorrow. I think the first trimester always goes by the slowest. I think right now it is hard for me to really accept that "I am pregnant" until I have my first dr.s appointment. I am going to ask for an u/s because I just want to make sure that the baby is off to a good start. I think I'm a little more nervous being that it hasn't been a full year since I had Josiah. I know it is all in God's hands and I am thankful that he chose to give us another child. You just never know what He has in store for you. KWIM?
I was watching a movie this morning and the wife was about 10 weeks along and when she went in for her u/s there was no heartbeat. I thought to myself "God knows what He is doing, He is the one creating this baby." I had to reassure myself that it's a movie and I'm not in it.
We bought a portable crib for the baby. I got it for a great price. It is made of that dark cherry wood. Miguel and I have been thinking of names. I found one that we both like for a girl, but we'll see. I'm not sure about boy names though. I haven't found the right one just yet. The other thing is if we are going to find out the sex of the baby at out u/s appointment or wait until the baby is born.
I usually want to find out so I can go shopping, but we pretty much have everything we need.. so there isn't much shopping left to do.
Anyhow that's all that's been going on for now.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Can't wait to see a picture!! If there is ever anything I can do...Love Ya!