Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Passion. or at least one of them!

Is there anything in your life that you are just passionate about? I mean something that you really love to do or you end up talking about to the lady sitting next to you at Dairy Queen!

Well for me, I am very passionate about anything baby related, whether it is trying to conceive, pregnancy, post pardum or things that will make your life easier as a mother. Well one thing that I love and love talking to people about is Baby wearing.

Baby Wearing is something that is great for parents that have children that want to be held a lot. Or if you are the type of person that wants to protect your baby from being touch and poked by strangers in the mall or even at church. Now most people will see those Snugi carriers at target or walmart, but honestly those things are a pain and they dig into your shoulders. People also know of the Bjorn carriers but they thing that is where it stops. I can I just inform you of some of the things that are out there?

For me I love a wrap, a long peice of material (about 5 yards) that is narrow, and you wrap your baby up on you so your hands are completely free. In the above picture I am carriering my son, he weighed about 18 lbs and to be honest, it didn't hurt my back at all and he loves it. Now he is a bit big for a stretchy fabric so I'll need to buy another wrap that is a little less stretchy.

As I was searching for the best kind of wrap I began to uncover all of the different styles!

Here are some of them:


Ring Slings



Asian Based Carriers (ABC)

then there are wraps and oh the wonderful ways to use a wrap: click here on the link: to see all the different ways to use a wrap click on the side bar under wraps, you'll see front wrap, hip cross carry, back cross carry, rucksack, tibetan, BWC 2, strap carry, and cross carriers.

And then there are baby wearing clothes:

And that's not even the tip of the iceberg!

But some of my favorites are the Mei Tai, I have heard so much good about the MT's and they are easy to use, but also beautiful! :

and of course the simple wrap!

It can be intimidating with all that is out there, and how to use them , but once you learn, you never forget. The best thing about these carriers are that they are comfortable for you and your baby! They don't put strain on your neck or back. They are versatile and safe!

The hardest part about it all is choosing which would be best for you and what print to pick out!

If you are a mom of a toddler or newborn I encourage you to look into these! If you have any questions about them feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to answer you.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Wow. That's all. Just wow. =]