Well I had to change my background to something adolescent and girly! Why? Because I found out on Thursday that we will be having a baby girl in November! We wanted to wait and find out the gender once the baby was born, but the urge to know if my "motherly instincts" were correct was too much to bear! We had a lot of fun announcing the gender to the family and as always, it was an amazing experience just to see my daughter inside of me. Moving and playing!
Our u/s was on Thursday morning and at first my sister, Tabitha, and my daughter, Abigail, came in with me while Miguel stayed in the waiting room with Julius and Josiah.
The first part of the u/s was all measuring and making sure that everything was developing correctly and working the way it should. I told the Tech that I didn't want to know but if she could write it down on a piece of paper for me. She was glad to do so and continued showing the babies heart chamber, the kidneys and bladder. But as she was going along she showed me the baby just playing in there, and it was so adorable to see my little baby girl reaching down with both of her hands and playing with her two perfect feet. The image was so perfect and so clear that my sister and I couldn't believe it. Tabitha ended up leaving and going to get my husband so he could share this special moment with me. By this time the Tech was done measuring and checking everything and she just took her time sharing our precious and perfect baby with us. Our little girl was kicking and stretching, she even did a little yawn. It was the most amazing thing to see. Then she put her hands up by her face and you could see her peeking through her forearms! And within minutes she fell asleep. you could tell that her eyelids had actually closed! I could have laid there forever just watching and loving my little girl. Her face wasn't as chubby as Abby's or Josiah's, but maybe they'll chunk up in a few more weeks :) I'll be going back in 6 weeks because my placenta is just a little bit low. Nothing to worry over, but just to be safe.
That night we had dinner at my MIL's home. My SIL, Lori, and my BIL, Jer, came over for dinner to share in on the excitement. My sister, Tabitha was with us and we had her husband and my other SIL, Sarah, on speaker phone. I pulled out the paper and it read "It's a Girl" I made sure I said it loud and clear! We all hooped and hollered. I looked at Abby and she had a huge smile on her face and small tears in her eyes. She was so happy. She wanted a little sister. I really think it will be good for her to NOT be the ONLY princess in the house. Of course she says that she is now the "queen" but I said that just can't be because I'm QUEEN! :)
I called my mom and sent out the news to my siblings. It was a exciting time.
It felt good to know that my "mommy instincts" were correct. It felt good to know that I would be able to shop freely for all the little girl outfits that have been calling my name, begging me to purchase and take them home!
Now to pick out our names. Yes, we have a few that we like, but I am really big on making sure it is the best name. One that fits in with my other two children. One that I can sign at the bottom of my Christmas cards! So the name is to be announced at a later date. But it's comforting to know that I have a little girl growing inside of me. I pray without ceasing that God will bless this little girl and I pray that she will already have a heart and spirit that is sensitive towards God's will for her precious life. Because without that life isn't worth living.
Our u/s was on Thursday morning and at first my sister, Tabitha, and my daughter, Abigail, came in with me while Miguel stayed in the waiting room with Julius and Josiah.
The first part of the u/s was all measuring and making sure that everything was developing correctly and working the way it should. I told the Tech that I didn't want to know but if she could write it down on a piece of paper for me. She was glad to do so and continued showing the babies heart chamber, the kidneys and bladder. But as she was going along she showed me the baby just playing in there, and it was so adorable to see my little baby girl reaching down with both of her hands and playing with her two perfect feet. The image was so perfect and so clear that my sister and I couldn't believe it. Tabitha ended up leaving and going to get my husband so he could share this special moment with me. By this time the Tech was done measuring and checking everything and she just took her time sharing our precious and perfect baby with us. Our little girl was kicking and stretching, she even did a little yawn. It was the most amazing thing to see. Then she put her hands up by her face and you could see her peeking through her forearms! And within minutes she fell asleep. you could tell that her eyelids had actually closed! I could have laid there forever just watching and loving my little girl. Her face wasn't as chubby as Abby's or Josiah's, but maybe they'll chunk up in a few more weeks :) I'll be going back in 6 weeks because my placenta is just a little bit low. Nothing to worry over, but just to be safe.
That night we had dinner at my MIL's home. My SIL, Lori, and my BIL, Jer, came over for dinner to share in on the excitement. My sister, Tabitha was with us and we had her husband and my other SIL, Sarah, on speaker phone. I pulled out the paper and it read "It's a Girl" I made sure I said it loud and clear! We all hooped and hollered. I looked at Abby and she had a huge smile on her face and small tears in her eyes. She was so happy. She wanted a little sister. I really think it will be good for her to NOT be the ONLY princess in the house. Of course she says that she is now the "queen" but I said that just can't be because I'm QUEEN! :)
I called my mom and sent out the news to my siblings. It was a exciting time.
It felt good to know that my "mommy instincts" were correct. It felt good to know that I would be able to shop freely for all the little girl outfits that have been calling my name, begging me to purchase and take them home!
Now to pick out our names. Yes, we have a few that we like, but I am really big on making sure it is the best name. One that fits in with my other two children. One that I can sign at the bottom of my Christmas cards! So the name is to be announced at a later date. But it's comforting to know that I have a little girl growing inside of me. I pray without ceasing that God will bless this little girl and I pray that she will already have a heart and spirit that is sensitive towards God's will for her precious life. Because without that life isn't worth living.
That's wonderful news! I bet Abby is over the moon:)
Congrats, girl! I know Abby will be a great big sister all over again, LOL
and poor little Jo Jo, being caught up in the middle of two princesses, :-)
how special! I am so happy God has blessed you with another healthy little girl!! Have fun shopping.
So excited for you!! I am missing you guys so bad. Hugs!!
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