Monday, March 22, 2010
The Reason Behind it All
I've often wondered why God allowed me, or rather chose me to marry a Pastor. I wasn't one of these girls that grew up innocent and good. I was rotten, I was bitter, I was mean and full of anger. But by the grace of God my life was changed and turned around. I left home when I was sixteen to live with my sister in California. Her husband was a Pastor, so I saw first hand what it was like in the ministry. I didn't realize it at the time, but I now see how God was preparing me for my life today. Not only was it because of God's grace and mercy did I change, it was also because I had a sister that believed in me and pushed me to be better in all area's of my life. I was lost and she helped direct me in my life. She believed in me that I could do better and be better. Today I am so thankful for my family and for my God.
There is a Mom that attends our church. She is so kind and so genuine but she is also hurting so badly. You see, she has a daughter that is now sixteen and her daughter has been acting out in anger. Her little girl is no longer her little girl but a teenager that is on a war path to destroy all that is good around her. She is lost and her mother does not know how or what to do to help her. That is where I come in to the picture. Not too long ago her daughter was arrested, then put on house arrest. She was in all kinds of trouble. From her friends to her 19 year old gang banger boyfriend. Because this daughter was on house arrest , the only place she got permission to go was to church with her mother. I got to know this lost teenage girl and I believe God allowed her heart to open up and trust me. We became friends. I then went to court with them, only to see the court take the daughter away and place her in custody of her father. We were all heart broken about it but knew that God had a plan and it was all in His control. Thankfully the Sunday before her court date, I felt lead of the Holy Spirit to talk to Amanda *the daughter* and praise God she accepted Him into her heart. The following Sunday she got baptized. She has been making an effort to change. However it isn't easy in a small town. She was know as bully, a gang banger. And now she is being asked to drop all of those things. I even told her she should apologize to those girls that she was bullying. Anyway, at court they also sentenced her to two weeks of psychiatric evaluation in a mental institute. She's been there for one week, basically in solitary confinement. All the gave her was a Bible and a teddy bear. I've been praying for Amanda non stop. I think about her all the time. She is a beautiful and extremely smart young lady. She has all the potential in the world to do something great in her life. I talked to her mom tonight at church and she said Amanda has finally broke down. We talked for a little while and she told me that her daughter is so thankful for me. She said to her mom "Mom, I don't know how but I feel like Esther can see right through me. when you see her tell her thank you and that I love her." We were both in tears. I know that this isn't going to be an easy road for her. Temptation is always right there. But now that she is saved the Holy Spirit will be there as well. Her mom thanked me.
You know, if this is why God chose me to be in the ministry then I am thankful for it. If I can help Amanda and show her how to love God and how to have a relationship with Him. It is all worth it. The ministry is not an easy thing. People are constantly scrutinizing you and stabbing you in the back. But if the young lady grows up and serves God, then for me it is worth it. I say Praise God!
I wasn't a good girl, it was tough and painful for more people then just myself. I look back now and say "thank you God"
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that is really cool Esther, she is lucky to have you there for her
This is good!! I am thankful for a Pastor's wife who still cares about the teens...God is Always Good
She surely is very lucky to have found a friend like you. As I was reading this, it brought back memories from the times we would have our sleep overs... and now to see you write this, Im just in aw knowing that the Lord is using my GREAT friend Esther ♥.
Esther, what a cool post! God has such a purpose for our lives, huh! I hope to be able to keep up with you blog...
We may never know all of the lives we've touched, but it sure is a little slice of heaven when we hear something like this!
From what I've seen, the most caring pastors (and wives!) are those who have *experienced life* and didn't grow up sheltered, *good* lives. There's just so much more empathy! So glad you've found a place where you're needed & can help a hurting girl... God bless!
Praise God she is now saved... She has the Best Father... the same one that rescued you and has put you where you are now.... Praise God!
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