Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 word of the Year : DISCOVER


My husband and I were on a road trip to Ohio. He was talking (as usual :) and I was on my phone browsing FB. It was then that I was reminded that I needed to come up with my new word for 2011. Last year I chose the word progress, and I have to say that it was the perfect word for 2010. I made major progress in so many area's of my life. Even though at time's it felt as if I was going backwards, in reality I was only making progress. I was learning and growing. 
So then I began thinking "what word do I want to have on my mind constantly through 2011" and I came up with a lot of good ones, but I didn't feel as if it was something I wanted to focus on. Then as quickly as I chose a word, I changed it. "Discover" I said out loud to my husband. "That is the word I want for 2011," he then asked why I chose DISCOVER, and here is the answer:
For those of you that follow my blog, you know that my life has changed in so many ways. The person I was, I am no longer. I went through a major separation in my marriage that nearly ended in a divorce. Relationships were severed and hearts (including my own) were crushed. I no longer am a Pastor's wife. I no longer live in a small town. I no longer am angry, instead I am healing. My views on religion and Christianity have changed. My relationship with my Heavenly Father is stronger and more real. But through all of this change there are some things that I am DISCOVERING to be different. I am DISCOVERING that after a storm, peace can come. I am DISCOVERING that there is a system and a better way to getting things accomplished. I am DISCOVERING what is truly important to me. I am DISCOVERING what it means to be happy. And though I have already DISCOVERED so much, I know that there is still much to DISCOVER. About Parenting, about Christianity, about happiness, and about LOVE. I hope through my DISCOVERIES, I can help you to DISCOVER a few things of your own! <3

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Great word sis. I look forward to seeing what God has for us all. My word is similar to yours actually. I chose JOURNEY and it's pretty much for the same/similar reasons. Love you.