Monday, January 10, 2011

One Word Captured: Week 2

Discovering Good Times

One of the things I am trying to discover is fun projects or creative things for my 6 year old daughter to do.  Abby is one of those kids that likes to be busy. She enjoys having projects and crafts. She loves learning and doing experiments. She is the ultimate hands on kind of gal *except when it comes to cleaning her room, but isn't that most kids?*
So I have decided that I want to discover some fun, hands on activities for my kids. Josiah who is 2 years old, loves playing and cutting up play dough. He loves to finger paint and glue. Even at two I can tell that he has a love for creating. 
The picture above is something fun to do outside. You can use spray bottles for a different spray pattern, but I only have water bottles so that is what she used. First I used empty water bottles and filled it up with tap water, I added a few drops of food coloring to each bottle. I then shook it up, and poked a hole in the top of the bottle cap with a knife. *please be careful*
I told Abby to go outside in the snow and get creative. She loved it! I would have had Josiah do it too, but he has a cold. But Abby stayed outside for a while, being creative. It took her a few times to get the hang of it. Knowing when to squeeze the bottle harder for different effects. Blend colors on top of each other to create a new color. She had a great time discovering how to be creative in the snow!


mikki roo said...

That is such a cool idea! Living in town doesn't give the boys much to do, but that is one thing they would love... Blake especially is pretty artistic.

Sherry said...

Super cool. My kids would love to play in some snow about now.