Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We can learn a lot from Ants

Proverbs 6:6-8

King James Version (KJV)
 6Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
 7Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
 8Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 30:25

King James Version (KJV)
 25The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;

So I was reading a book called "Why Pandas Do Handstands" it's a collaboration of interesting facts on insects, animals and sea creatures. I usually keep this book in the bathroom because the articles are short. Lately my dd Abigail has been interested in ants. She wants to know why we need them, why God created them, so we've been discussing ants. I came across this chapter called "Workers of the World: Nature's Jack-of-all-Trades" It mentions how small leaf cutter ants are like the Armed Guard.  A special team of leaf cutter ants and Amazonian ants are also the world best Gardner's. They are Milkmaids, Millers , Undertakers and best of all TEACHERS :) This is the section that really convicted me and caught my attention. Let me Quote it for you " When foraging for food, a mature temnothorax ant may carry an apprentice ant along with it. The teacher uses a technique scientists have called "tandem running" to show the student the right path to take on future food runs.
The Teacher shows great patience. If the student stops every now and again to familiarize itself with the surroundings, the teacher waits. The student then taps the teacher on the hind legs and abdomen when it is ready to move on. If the student drops too far behind, the teacher slows down and waits for it. It takes the teacher four times longer to get to the food, but scientist  believe the loss to the colony in terms of this single journey is more than compensated for by having another ant introduced to the correct route."
The Bible talks about how we can learn to be a hard worker just like the ant, but we could learn to be patient like the ant as well. I thought about how often I would get irritated or bothered with Abby while homeschooling. So often I was rushing her to hurry up and finish her work. I would get frustrated if I taught her something and the following day she wouldn't remember. Now the school year is over but I can still practice being like these tiny ants. I mean as a mom do we ever stop teaching? I love that God can humble us by using the smallest creature. 

1 comment:

Traci said...

I needed to read this.. and I know what you mean about schooling. I've realized that I resent the kids' behavior and "shortcomings" not because I'm disappointed in them but because in my quest to be the "perfect teacher/mom" they would have to be the perfect students/kids. Half the time I'm not upset because I want better for them, but I'm upset that they are making ME look bad. It was an awful realization.. but I know it's true. I get ridiculously angry when they disobey in public.. I'm working on it now that I've realized where my issues lie. I need to remind myself that I don't need to be the perfect teacher. I just need to be what my kids need. And that's more like an ant teacher, lol!