Sunday, October 11, 2009

A vapour in the Wind.....

James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." KJV

I just crawled out of bed and started getting ready for church. It was Sunday morning and that meant I had a short time to get ready, get the kids ready and to feed them. My phone rang while I was in the shower, it was my husband. My daughter was awake and answered the phone for me. She told him I was in the shower and I would call him when I was finished.
Of course, after I got out of the shower I started getting ready and forgot to return his call. But shortly after he called me back. He said "honey, I know you're trying to get ready but I need you to sing the morning special at church this morning and it needs to be accapella." I said "okay, but who was on to sing"?
"Brother David, *our assistant Pastor* and he received news early this morning that his little sister's husband died in a terrible car accident."
I couldn't believe it! Rebecca Onley was a mother of two children. A little girl that is one and a two week old son. Her and her husband were on deputation to raise support so they could go on the mission field in England. This was a young couple, not married very long.
I asked my husband what happened? He said " we don't know all the details, but Luke was coming back from a Men's Conference. He was riding in a 15 passenger van with some his relatives and friends. There was an accident and all Brother David knows is that Luke died." We later found out that the weather was bad and maybe they hit some black ice. Luke was the only one that went to be with our Heavenly Father.
Instantly I thought of this young mother who just had a little boy... I thought about the struggles that will come... I thought about our dear friend David and Katarina Phillips and all the hurt they have endured at such a young age. Then I thought of this verse James 4:14, how our lives are but a vapour. I think about how often we take things for granted. How we easily will get irritated with a loved one, or we'll take thing out on our husbands/children because "we're having a bad day." I think about this baby that is growing inside of me, and how there are times when I get frustrated because I can't bend down to paint my toes or I can't sleep well at night because I'm so uncomfortable and I have to get up to use the bathroom every two hours. But when something like this happens, and you take your eyes off yourself and you take a peek into what someone else is facing, it makes you stop and think. "Things aren't so bad" I have my husband, I have my kids, I have my health. I can't imagine the heartache of losing someone that is your best friend. And it breaks my heart because I know that there are times when I take my best friend for granted. I speak hurtful words, or do things grudgingly.
I know we're all human, I know that it's "normal", we're sinners and sometimes we give into our flesh and our selfishness. But why does it always take tragedy to put things in perspective?
My heart breaks for this Mother/Wife. My heart breaks for this little girl who probably won't remember her daddy and the two week old son that won't ever know his daddy. What I were in that same situation?
Then I remember that we have a wonderful Heavenly Father that is in control of it ALL. He holds us in the palm of his hand. He hurts with us, and He comforts us the way no other person or thing could. He is there beside us every step of the way even when everyone else has forgotten. He gives us the strength to stand on our feet and to keep walking. He is our God!
I challenge you, whoever decides to read this, to make time for your family. Make memories with them and cherish them. Hold your kids close and listen to what they are trying to tell you. Take time to do special things for your wife/husband. Because we never know what tomorrow will hold....
"Dear Father, I just want to lift Rebecca and her family up to you tonight. I pray that you will give her a peace that passes all understanding. Be with this family and hold close. Keep the rest of the family safe that will be traveling for the funeral. Thank you Lord for all that you have blessed me with. Thank you for my husband that loves me, and my children who bring so much joy and laughter to my life. Help me to never take what you have given me granted. I praise you and thank you for being my God. In your name I pray, amen"


Traci said...

Your post touched me and I will indeed lift this family up in prayer. You're so right, and you are not alone in taking for granted the people who are blessings in life, because too often I find myself doing the same.

Sherry said...

I've thought about this family and they have been in my prayers. That is the same verse that Marco was preaching from the day Hannah accepted Christ as her Saviour. =]